I was born and raised In the back woods of Monroe County Ky. When I was a small child, I would sit on the porch and listen for my dad's shotgun to ring out across the hills that's when I knew he had a squirrel. I was nine years old when my father passed away.

 My passion grew to hunt as I got older. I hunted for over thirty years with a gun and bow. Archery was my passion for years. I've seen some amazing sights out in God's creation through the years. I bought a camera to pack out in the woods and my passion for photography grew. Most people who has known me over the years can't believe I put down my bow and arrow for a camera. Photography brings me a peace of mind out in nature.  If my photography gives you peace of mind, a smile, or a fond memory from the past then it is worth it all.
Thank you.
gwalker photography
Gary Walker